Are charity shops too expensive these days and are they potentially pricing themselves too high to attract people?
I was flicking through Tik Toc the other day and came upon a lady talking about the price of charity shop items. Her point was that she understood that they need to make money for the charity, but are they potentially pricing themselves too high and driving people to use fast fashion instead.
I personally like to buy second hand for a few reasons. I feel good about my second-hand buys because it’s more sustainable and better for the environment and reduces the demand for ‘fast fashion’ where companies just churn out cheap clothes that probably won’t make it through more than a couple of wardrobe clear outs because they’re just not good enough quality or they’re a trend that won’t last.
I have also noticed that after lockdown and people ordering online items there seems to be more and more fast fashion brands in the charity shops.
So what do you think?