Tuesday 24 February 2015

Mixed Media Pages

I know I know Long time no see. 

I have been really busy with this and that so it is only until now I have had 5 minutes to myself!.

So I thought I would come and show you what I have been doing.  

I have been looking at a way to get Journalling in all the scrapbooks and journal and albums I have as I have not got round to doing it and it is not because I am lazy but I just didn't know how to tackle it. So I found some videos on You Tube and came across Fauxbonichi planners.

This is a great way of trying out different journalling techniques.  So I have been buying note books to see what type will suit and as they are not too expensive I thought the ones I do not use I can make into art journals.

I have always loved the freedom of art journalling but never thought I had the creativity
for it but having had a go I love it.

So here is one of my pages I have worked on today in my new art journal. 

It would be great to get some feed back. I will post more of my Art journals , Fauxbo and some ATC work in the next few days.  Have fun and Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Crafting Katie xx