Monday, 28 October 2013

Move day

Well the day has arrived and we are just getting ready for the removals to come. So we will be on our way soon.  Looking forward  to unpacking.
We'll take care and keeeeeeeeep crafting xx

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Sunday with My Family

A great walk with my family on a misty autumn day.

                                               I hope that you enjoyed meeting my family.

                        Take care and Keeeep crafting xx

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Altered Canvas

This is how I altered my mini canvas. Look Out for more tutorials coming up.
Take care and Keeeeeeep Crafting xx

Friday, 25 October 2013

Friday Freebie

Good day to you.
I have just my computer out now as I have packed all my studio away so I have been playing on here (anything to put off packing!!). I have come up with some papers to download for you on a Friday and I may even get to creating a character to turn into a digital stamp so watch this space.
Here is todays freebie. Hope you like and let me know what you would like to see in future.

Well have a great weekend and Keeeeeeeeep Crafting xx

dress forms

Happy Friday to Ya'll
Here is  a little idea to make your own dress forms.
Have a great day and keeeeeeeeep crafting xx

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Happy Thursday Everyone

Top of the morning to ya'll!
I am off to my sisters house in the Lake District today, just to say hi and see her before I move next week.  I am so looking forward to getting to a new house and having a new adventure with my fantastic family. But I need to pack up the rest of my craft studio :-(. But I am trying to learn how to crochet flowers so I can still craft when I am in transit so to speak!! I will take some piccys when I get the hang of it!
The weather has been perfect for crafting as well so please Let me know what you have been doing in this great weather!!
I think I may have found the perfect craft space!!
I love it, need a lotto win though!
Well take care and keeeeeeep crafting xxx

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

dads card

 Hi All
Here is a short film on a great card for the most important man in your life, your Dad, Grandad Brother or hubby. Well anyone really!! Hope you enjoy and please remember if you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.  Keeeeeeep Crafting xx

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Good Morning to you

Good Morning All
Well what an eventful weekend I have had, packing, cleaning and more packing and more cleaning.  Well in a week we will be moved and then I can get unpacking!!
I have had a little time to have a play with my crafting things before I have to pack them all away  :-( . But it means I can get organised when I get to the new house.  New house new organised me ( there's always hope!!)
Here are a few more of my projects and I will post some of my YouTube vids or you can pop over and check them out.
Have a great day and Keeeeeeep Crafting xx


Saturday, 19 October 2013

A Few of my projects and makes

Here are a pictures of a few makes I have produced recently.
I will also be uploading tutorials on here and I have a YouTube channel so you can come on over and get to know a little bit more about me.
Have a great day and Keeeeeeeep Crafting! xx

Friday, 18 October 2013

Altered Book Pages

Welcome To My new Blog about anything page.

Hi all

Well I am currently moving house right now so I am just setting up a blog so that when I arrive at my new house I can show you my new organised craftroom and let you know about certain plans I have for the next year.

I hope that you will follow me and see what delights we can all come up with.

Have a great day and Keeeeeeeep Crafting xx